Re: Whats the worst pain you have ever experienced?
Playing rugby, went to dive on the ball and landed on it with my chest - the ball was verticle so the pointy side facing up.
Another player landed on me at the same time and the force of the blow tore my sternum, just split it in two like a split piece of mango being bent back (the sternum is cartilage).
effing painful!
Anyway, what I learned was that the sternum holds your ribcage together, so when split like this my ribs popped open like a spring. Breathing is controlled by the muscles in your chest and is completely reliant on your rib cage being attached to the sternum. The physio had to physically breath for me by pressing down on my chest and then letting my chest rise.
Do yourself a favour, if you want to imagine the pain of this, hit your sternum with your knuckles... just tap really hard, then times it by about 1000.
I've had a lot of knee injuries, operations, cuts, broken fingers, ribs, toes etc, but nothing comes close to this pain.