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Old 25-05-2011, 01:54 PM   #28
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Default Re: Whats the worst pain you have ever experienced?

Originally Posted by scozzman
Accidentally shot my finger with a nail gun!

Not only did it freaking hurt, but I felt like a fool afterwards
Been there, done that too 75mm nail straight through my finger, under the nail.

I've broken plenty of bones, had a major (6m) fall onto concrete, dislocated joints, had a major hit in the groin and all the rest of it and the worst pain, beyond all others I have had by far was a toothache.

I probably came close to OD'ing on prescription pain killers and they simply didn't do anything. The only relief I could find was in drinking a couple of bottles of rum in a session - and I didn't really even get tipsy from it.

As it happened, the root was growing into my jaw and I had to have it removed without the benefit of anesthesia.

That was the only pain I have ever felt where I could have burst into tears.... but I didn't because I'm hard as
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