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Old 30-06-2011, 09:47 AM   #9
Bud Bud
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 665
Default Re: Accident concequences

Originally Posted by kpcart
people who critisize speed camera "revenue raising" and proclaim that no person can keep a constant speed while driving on a public raod SHOULD READ THIS STORY, it might make them think twice about there attitude to driving. people like that do no respect the dangers of driving a motor vehicle and the privlidge it is to drive such a vehicle. i think if we all respect the rules we are given, then we can avoid such sad incidents as discussed here. we should respect the police also, the only reason that policing speeding drivers has become "revenue raising" is because people continue to speed! and people are getting dumber, they do not take a speeding fine as a deterrent to not speed in the future, instead they take it as a reason to hate the government and the police and continue to break road rules and continue to act self righteous about their hate for revenue raising, even if they kill someone on the road in the process. it is a huge cultural problem in australia, and no wonder australians are considered some of the worst drivers in the world. reading through forums thread on this site proves this, there are people claiming that it is not humanly possible to control your speed in car!!!!

the time i am most careful of my driving is on friday and saturday nights, because i know all the aussies are out on the pis (pardon my language), and incidents like above can happen at any moment on the road.
Careful this thread dose not deserved to be locked.

But since you are on your high horse, I have never read anywhere on this forum where people are pro street speeding or road racing "anywhere anytime", if they were they would be shot down in flames. The general consensus however has been more related to how speed cameras are used and not why.

In the above post at least the offending driver survived (and so did the all the unfortunate victims thank god) so if he went through a speed camera (if they were around 30+ years ago) before the accident then at least they would still have someone to send the fine to 10 days later. But how would that have helped the OP and his family at the time? It seems that the only thing that would or did stop the offending driver would have been prior Police presences and action or another victims car, not a speed camera. It might be better to keep on topic (including me) on this thread though.

Not good to hear that you are not well from somebody elses inconsiderate and selfish actions from so long ago. I read your original post detailing the accident when you first posted it and even then I thought to myself, how life changing these things really are.

I hope you are up and about soon and the long lasting effects of this accident do not keep you down for long.

Bud Bud
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