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Old 27-02-2017, 02:26 PM   #7
galaxy xr8
Giddy up.
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Default Re: Help however you can.....please

Originally Posted by Stefan View Post
Even people that can hardly make ends meet have enough for an internet connection, smart phone and alcohol, but not income protection / accident and life insurance.

In the unfortunate event I have a "life changing accident" I get a lump sum 7 figure payout and monthly income of 80% of what I currently earn.

Sorry to highjack but it one of the most important things a working person with a family can do, is take out some kind of life / trauma insurance.

It's not just a for a work or car accident where you may get some $$$ eventually, you may just have a stroke or a aneurism sitting in a coffee shot on a Saturday morning. Or like a mate of mine who just dropped stone dead at 45 at a soccer game. I'm insured for death / disability / income if anything happens to me and I know my family are more than taken car of, no need to a go fund me page.

Get your $$$ priorities straight forego the expensive iPhone or internet or new car and get your self adequately insured.
Spot on, seriously this day and age anybody can afford to protect themselves if they were smart enough, I’m only a lowly wage earner myself but yet I can find the means to insure from such a unforeseen misfortune, it’s the same old story with some, they ***** and moan that life’s so tough to live day by day but yet can easily find themselves with life's creature comforts at their fingertips, if you can afford to insure your car then you can afford to insure ones self.
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