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Old 17-05-2007, 08:46 PM   #31
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^^ Gotta agree. Some of my mates know more about cars then me and there a few years younger.
However i fear that this thread wont last to much longer, read up everyone!
:the_finge You want more inches...........STROKE IT!!! :the_finge

Mr Super Skid-Man
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Old 17-05-2007, 09:17 PM   #32
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Fatuous observations about exhausts forward the case for non engineered turbo vehicles not a whit, feel free to erect all the strawmen you desire. It does not change the fact that performing a major modification to a vehicle without having it approved by somebody who can state with certainty that it is safe, is a stupid, selfish thing to do.

In answer to the equally vapid query as to whether I get my vehicles engineered, I suspect you already know that I do or I would not hold the views I do. I will point out for the benefit of the terminally obtuse, that I do not have a wheel change or exhaust change engineered if it falls within the regulations of the registering body.

I will finish my participation in this thread with this:
If we wish to have a future of being able to modify vehicles at all, we need to comply with the regulations as they stand or we just give ammunition to the Scuby's of this world. I feel they already have enough without us playing into their hands.

Last edited by plext; 17-05-2007 at 09:34 PM.
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Old 17-05-2007, 09:20 PM   #33
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Ok.. not quite the direction i planned on this thread going.. Hmm..

Thank you all for your comments..

As for insurance well until someone decides they can insure me i won't worry about it.. And i know this sounds like the typical hoon comment but i have tried ALL avenues to get insurance and have had a door slammed in my face more than once..

As for the turbo conversion.. it is a relatievly conservative setup.. 6psi boost .. and as long as i have more than 115kw at the wheels i will be happy..

Thanks again people..

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Old 17-05-2007, 11:34 PM   #34
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Roosta, my old EA was turbo'd and I'm from VIC. The cops saw the cooler, turned around and pulled me over at the Springnats. I got a defect, a $165 fine for driving an unroadworthy vehicle and had a week to fix it all. They weren't gonna let me drive it home but we convinced them otherwise. It was a major hassle as once everything is fitted, the last thing you want to do is waste more weekends pulling it all off and returning it to stock again.

As for the engineering vs non-engineering debate, I have to say Plext, you are in the minority. Your right that everyone should comply with the rules and guidelines etc, but the fact is that not everyone is made of money and as long as there are cheap turbo kits kicking around on ebay etc, people are gonna modify their cars illegally. If engineering actually guranteed that you couldn't be defected for the engine mods you have done, I'd actually spend $2500 and get it done if I had a turbo'd E-series. But it doesn't. And I don't think many people are gonna pay that money just to cover their *** incase of an accident....especially since you can legally insure a car that has been converted to turbo through companies like Shannons and Just Cars. That's gonna be good enough for most people.
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Old 18-05-2007, 09:43 AM   #35
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Old 18-05-2007, 12:46 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Polyal

Firstly, just because you are insured are you positive that if you have a prang you will be covered? Having a non engineered turbo would classify your car as unRWC I would have thought; and hence you insurance will be void.

that's a good point. 3rd party / compulsory insurance could be an issue. if they knocked back a 3rd party claim because the vehicle was technically unroadworthy you could be up for mega bucks.

All of this would be made much easier if the cost of getting the car certified was cheaper. I can't see why their isn't a cert that comes with a Turbo system that says "this Turbo has been tested fitted to this type of vehicle and passes". Only possible stopper is that other mods woudl have to be considered. If you go for a "Turbo system" I'd say it should incorporate most mods to make it more effective.
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Old 18-05-2007, 03:01 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by snypereb
Bit Harsh.
Dont you think?
You have never met me!
Is Laminge's TS50 Engineered? mmmmmmmmmmm?

I like to think of myself as a nice young good looking guy with lots a head of myself.

I'm a little lost how my car has been drawn into the debate, and with such emphases on a "m", oh my!!! but taking into account as Russell has nicely put it now- that it has been a Trailer Queen for some time, thats of course when its been running.

Promotion of illegal car modifications is always a good draw card, and I would certainly have no issue if approached to ensure as much detail is given to the authorities to get one off the roads.

I loved the Oh Get Real comment, quite amusing.

Modification Certification, quite an interesting combination of words, obviously only directed to that Milo Exhaust Enhancement :,

On that point, there is none.
Originally Posted by Laminge
...its amazing how mud sticks to ones shoes, as flies do to the elderly and bottle blondes around fame and fortune...

Last edited by Laminge; 18-05-2007 at 03:13 PM.
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